
Real vs Fake ...

So it's a typical weekday night, I get home from work ... maybe get my butt to the gym, have some din din and ALWAYS sneak in a daily dose of celebrity gossip via Entertainment Tonight or Access Hollywood. One of the main topics on this particular episode I couldn't leave unattended had to do with Hollywood's obsession with Cosmetic surgery. Heidi Montag for example has been in many of the juicy headlines lately, too bad it's for all the wrong reasons. Anyhow ... the main issue that was being reported had to do with "Natural" being the new trend!? Does that mean Hollywood has gone so "Fake" that natural is now the minority and something trendy?? Something that people want? Given the industry I work in, and me truly believing "To each their own" ... I say more power to those who want to visit the Doc. for a little tuneup. But when is it too much? When has it gone too far? And why is natural making a comeback, waaaa??? Do we really live in a society that is based on vanity? I'm starting to think, yes. Young women (and men) have never been under more pressure to feel "beautiful" and look a certain way ... and well if natural is the new "it" thing, then I hope it lasts, because a smart fellow once said "Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you." Dr. Seuss.

Be your own unique self.

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